Can I bring my pet?
Please leave your dogs and other animals at home unless he or she is a fully trained service dog or assistance animal. Thank you!
Can I bring my own saw to cut my tree?
Please do NOT bring your own chainsaw or other saw. We have handsaws available for your family to cut your tree, and someone to assist you if needed.
Can I visit and enjoy all the activities and amenities during the christmas season without purchasing a Christmas tree?
Because our business is a family Christmas tree farm, all the wonderful activities we provide are only for our customers who purchase a Christmas tree. We prefer visits just to play be made outside of our busy Christmas Season. We will be updating soon about other options for Treehouse Playscape.
Why is the Play area closed when it has rained recently?
Our treehouse play area closes when it’s wet, raining, windy, or snowing, for a couple of reasons. It’s all done for your safety. As the treehouse is made mostly of wood, it tends to absorb water and hold onto it for a while, meaning it may have to remain closed even a couple of days after it has rained if the sun has not come out. It also is built on a hill, so the area around it can get very slick and muddy when wet, rainy, or snowy. And it closes with wind because of the many trees surrounding it, which can drop branches in extreme cases. We try to update our social accounts if the treehouse is closed during a scheduled open day, so we are very sorry if you arrive to find it is closed for the day. We hope you understand!
Do you use pesticides or herbicides on your trees?
We do NOT use pesticides or herbicides on our trees or in our fields. We strive to keep everything as natural as possible. This means we diligently mow around the trees instead of spraying and we remove pests by hand.
How do we cut and transport our christmas tree?
You can cut your tree with a handsaw that we provide or we can help you cut your tree. We will shake and net your tree and help you secure it to your vehicle for the ride home.
Feel free to bring your own straps or tie downs if you prefer those to the twine that we provide.
If you plan on purchasing a ball & burlap tree, you’ll need a truck to get it home because these trees are very heavy and they weigh anywhere from 150-250 lbs. We will help you load here, but you’ll need help to unload once you get it home. See our ball & burlap section on our “Trees” page for more information.
What should I wear?
Dress comfortably!
Closed-toed shoes are the best option when on a farm. Open-toed shoes can be dangerous. We recommend tennis shoes/sneakers or boots when visiting.
When it’s cold, please remember that the majority of your time will be spent outdoors.
If rain is predicted, bring your umbrella or a raincoat.
How do I pre-purchase a tree?
Starting on October 1st, our online store will be active with all available trees. You can view them there, organized by type and species, and choose and pay for your favorite from the provided photos! This makes sure that even if you arrive later in the season, there is a tree here reserved for you!
We know that sometimes a picture just can’t compare to the real thing, so once the online store opens, we also offer scheduling for you to come and pick your tree in person before paying.
I’m allergic to Christmas trees. Is there a tree that will work for me?
Yes, we have options for you! A White Pine Christmas tree has a minimal fragrance and has been classified as a good tree for allergy sufferers. We also have Turkish Fir Christmas trees that have no fragrance and are great for allergy sufferers.
Another way to cut down on allergy triggers is to rinse the tree well with a garden hose and let it dry before taking it into your house. A lot of the time it’s the pollen or mold that has collected in the tree over the years it has been growing that can create a trigger for allergy sufferers. In addition to that, the ride home can add lots of dust and other debris to your tree.
Will a live christmas tree bring bugs into my house?
There are NO guarantees with a live Christmas tree. It’s been living out in the open where animals and pests tend to make their homes. We shake your tree to remove any unwanted pests, however…sometimes it’s not enough. A good hosing down of your tree once you get it home and letting it dry before taking it into the house may help to rid it of any unwanted pests.
Why do you charge the prices you do for your trees?
The trees from our fields may have a higher price than you would expect. The amount of time and effort that it takes for us to grow and sell you a pesticide, insecticide, fungicide, and herbicide free tree comes at a cost. Our trees start as purchased seedlings, typically already 2 years old when we plant them.
After planting, for the next 6-8 years, we:
1. Hand-pick and remove any pests or invading insects (because we do not spray pesticides or insecticides)
2. Mow around the trees weekly (to keep the grass and weeds from choking them as they grow)
3. Fertilize yearly (sometimes twice a year)
4. Shear and shape the trees yearly (to give them the perfect Christmas tree shape)
5. Water as Needed (done manually without the use of irrigation, usually in the summer and early fall)
Then once they are a good height, we open our fields so they can be chosen by you!
We purchase and provide pre-cut trees primarily because up until 2023, Fraser Firs couldn’t grow here. It does take planning, time, effort, and help to bring in these trees from the adjacent states to our East. We have to place our order for the upcoming Christmas season the summer before, schedule deliveries and pickup dates, rent a truck for hauling the tree, pay for the gas to travel and pick up the trees, and hire employees to unload and display!
Now, you may notice that we do, in fact, have Fraser Firs growing and available on our Farm, and the price for this variety in particular is much higher than the pre-cut version. This is because, in addition to all the regular things it takes to grow a tree in our fields, the Fraser Fir takes much more dedication and nurturing to encourage its growth in Middle Tennessee. They don’t usually grow here because the soil temperature gets way too hot in the summers, and effectively burns the roots of the baby trees.
The only way to get a Fraser Fir to grow is by grafting the “top” of a Fraser Fir seedling onto the root stock of an evergreen that will grow here. And that in and of itself is amazing, but it entails:
1. Essentially purchasing 2 seedlings for every Fraser we wish to plant, (the “top” and the roots, plus buying the pots and soil needed)
2. Grafting those parts together
3. Planting them in pots for the first couple of years (to keep an eye on them and “baby” them until we know that the graft is
4. Replanting them in the fields
After which, they get the same care as the other varieties of trees do.
Hopefully, our prices reflect the amount of time, care, and dedication that goes into each variety and type of tree we offer, while still being reasonable. We are a family business, but we are also in the business of providing memory-making experiences for you and your family, right here on our farm.